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Wednesday, February 9, 2011


"Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and dreams that you dare to dream really do come true"

Lyman Frank Baum

"You haven't lost your smile at all, it's right under your nose. You just forgot it was there."

"Love is what makes two people sit in the middle of a bench when there is plenty of room at both ends"

"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together..there is something you must always remember. you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, but the most important thing is, even if we're apart.. i'll always be with you." Winnie the Pooh



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Green is a color, the perception of which is evoked by light having a spectrum dominated by energy with a wavelenghth of roughly 520-570 nanometres. In the subtractive color system, it is not a primary color, but is created out of a mixture of yellow and blue, or yellow and cyan; it is considered one of the additive primary colors. On the HSV color wheel, the compliment of green is magenta; that is, a purple color corresponding to an equal mixture of red and blue light. On a color whell baded on traditona color theory (RYB), the complementary color to green is considered to be red.

The word green is closely related to the Old English verb growan, to "grow". It is used to describe plants or the ocean. Sometimes it can also describe someone who is inexperienced, jealous, or sick. In the United States of America, green is a slang term for money, among other things. Several colloquialisms have derived from these meanings, such as "green around the gills", a phrase used to describe a person who looks ill.

Culturally, green has borad and sometimes contradictory meanings. In some cultures, green symbolizes hope and growth, while in others, it is associated with death, sickness, envy, or the devil. The most common associations, however, are found it its ties to nature. For example, Islam venerates the color, as it expects paradise to be full of luch greenery. Green is alos associated with regeneration, fertility and rebirth for its connections to nature. Recent political groups have taken on the color as symbol of enviromental protction and social justice, and consider themselves part of the Green movement, some naming themselves Green parties. This has led to similar campaigns in advertising, as compaines have sold green, or environmentally friendly, products.


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

White is a shade, the perception of which is evoked by light that stimulates all three types of color sensitive cone cells in the human eye in nearly equal amounts and with high brightness compared to the surroundings. A white visual stimulation will be void of hue and grayness.

White light can be generated in many ways. The sun is such a source, electric incandescence is another.
Modern light sources are fluorescent lamps and light-emitting diodes. An object whose surface reflects back most of the light it receives and does not alter its color will appear white, unless it has very high specular reflection.

Since white objects such as clouds, snow and flowers appear often in nature, human culture has many references to white, often related to purity and cleanness. The high contrast between white and black is used to represent opposites. In some Asian cultures, white is considered to be a color that represents death.
White also represented death in ancient Egypt, representing the lifeless desert that covered much of the country; black was held to be the color of life, representing the mud-covered fertile lands created by the flooding of the Nile and giving the country its name (Kemet, or "black land")

Symbolic dualism with Black

White and black has the biggest visual contrast, this can easily be associated to other opposite concepts such as day and night or good and evil. White often represents purity or innocence in Western Civilization, particularly as white clothing or objects are easy to stain. In most Western countries white is worn by brides at weddings. Angels are typically depicted as clothed in white robes.
Healing or "good" magic is called White magic. In early film Westerns the sterotypically "good guy" wore a white hat earning them the name "White Hats" while the "bad guy" wore black earning them the name "Black Hats". This has given rise to the use of the names black hot and white hat for people who abuse and counter abuse of computer systems respectively. In popular culture this idea is sometimes reversed to play on reversal of sterotypes.
In taoism which has great influence in Eastern Culture Yin and yang is usually depicted in black and white, depicting the two colors as opposites. The two opponets in board games of abstract strategy often has one as white, such as go, chess and checkers.

Monday, February 7, 2011


 Purple is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue. In additive light combinations it occurs by mixing the primary colors red and blue in varying proportions. It is a secondary color becasue two colors (blue and red) make up this color.

In human color psychology, purple is also associated with royalty and nobility (stemming from classical antiquity when Tyrian Purple was only affordalbe to the elites).

Cultural associations

In parts of East Asian countries such as Japan, purple is known as the color of death.


In Role-playing games such as Pokemon and Final Fantasy, purple is often used to depict psychic energy or dark magic. In Kingdom Hearts, purple is often mixed with black to depict darkness.


Purple Mountain is located on the eastern side of Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, People's Republic of China.
Its peaks are often found enveloped in mysterious purple clouds at dawn and dusk, hense comes its name "Purple Mountain". The Purple Mountain Observatory is located there.


Porpora, or purpure, was not one of the usual tinctures in European heraldry, being added at a late date to bring the numbers of colors plus metals to seven, so that they could be given planetary associations.
The classic early example of purpure is in the coat of arms of the Kingdom of Leon: argent, a lion purpure, as early as 1245.


Alice Walker, author of The Color Purple, said, "Womanist is to feminist as purple is to lavender."
As a result of its association with royalty and luxury, the term purple is often used to describe pretentious or overly embellished literature. For example, a paragraph containing an excessive number of long and unusual words is called a purple passage.

Purple and violet are frequently mentioned in the poem The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe. The narrator's curtains are described as being purple and the cushions are described as having velvet violet lining."


In 16th century England, purple was the color for the final stage of mourning according to Mark Twain in his first attempt at historical fiction, "The Prince and the Pauper".


Common Connotations

Darkness, secrecy, power, nubian, mystery; silence and concealment; death(including execution) and bereavement; fear, antagonist, strong, (with orange) Halloween: end, chaos, and lack; evil, bad luck, and crime; conversely, elegance, anarchy, Rebellion, non-conformity, Individuality, Solidarity

Black is the color of objects that do not emit or reflect light in any part of the visible spectrum; they absorb all such frequencies of light. Although black is sometimes described as an achromatic, or hueless, color, in practice it can be considered a color, as in expressions like "black cat" or "black paint."

Beliefs, religions and superstitions

Black is a symbol of mourning and bereavement in Western societies, especially at funerals and memorial services. In some traditional societies, within for example Greece and Italy, widows wear black for the rest of their lives. In contrast, across much of Africa and parts of Asia, white is a color of mourning and is worn during funerals.

In English heraldry, black means darkness, doubt, ignorance, and uncertainty.

In the Maasai tribes of Kenya and Tanzania, the color black is associated with rain clouds, a symbol of life and prosperity.

Native Americans associated black with the life-giving soil

The Hindu deity Krishna means "the black one"

The medieval Christian sect known as the Cathars viewed black as a color of perfection.

The Rastafari movement sees black as beautiful

In the Japanese culture, Black is associated with honor, not death with the white color being associated with death.

Black-dog bias is a veterinarian and animal shelter phenonmenon in which black dogs are passed over for adoption in favor of lighter colored animals.

Black cats may be thought of as either good luck or bad.


To say one's accounts are "in the black" is used to mean that one is or "no longer in the red", or free of debt.

Being "in the red" is to be in debt-in traditional bookkeeping, negative amounts, such as costs, were printed in red ink, and positive amounts, like revenues, were printed in black ink, so that if the "bottom line" is printed in black, the firm is profiting.


In Western fashion, black is considered stylish, sexy, elegant and powerful.
The colloquialism "X is the new black" is a reference to the latest trend or fad that is considered a wardrobe basic for the druation of the trend, on the basis that black is always fashionable. The pahrase has taken on a life of its own as a snowclone, and has been stretched and parodied as a rhetorical device and a cliche'.

Irish Blessing Quote

"May God give you...For every storm a rainbow, for every tear a smile, for every care a promise and a blessing in each trial. For every problem life sends, a faithful friend to share, for every sigh a sweet song and an answer for each prayer."
"Life is like a rainbow. You need both the sun and the rain to make its colors appear."
"The work will wait while you show the child the rainbow, but the rainbow won't wait while you do the work."

"The soul would have no rainbow had the eyes no tears"

About Me

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I worked in the insurance industry for 15 years until my job was transferred to Jacksonville Florida, I have been retired since 1999 but I am wanting to get involved in something where I can use my creativity. I like to type and I love flowers and color. I have started this blog so I can post some of my photographs etc.and to play on the computer which I really enjoy.